
26.09.2018 Retirement is on the horizon

It is a common saying in German to "place someone on a horse back", i.e it means to push him/her on a new way for his life. This tradition was always done by the supervisor with the joung PhD after a successful defense. Due to my retirement the students changed the rules and placed me on the horse.


26.09.2018 Graduation celebration for Dr. Julian Heinrich

JulianOn the way to an "Internet of Lab" - control of chemical reactions in flow with microcontrollers. Julian investigated ARDUINO based control systems for several systems, e.g. phase separation, pump control, IR-measurement in flowing segments, micro potentiostat. The combination of these systems allow to control and to influence chemical reaction via PC or Internet connection from outside of the lab - in the best case from every place in the world.
The PhD was successful finished with “magna cum laude”. Julian is a "bee whisperer" and he supports the group with very tasty honey from his bees.


18.04.2017      Graduation celebration for Dr. Dominik Karl

DominikSelective olefination of bi-functional aldehydes to avoid sophisticated protective group syntheses was the main target of the PhD work of Dominik Karl. The application of continuous flow chemistry including double emulsions led to efficient and applicable synthesis routes. Dominik investigated the acceleration of Diels-Alder reactions by application of hydrophopic and fluorophobic pressure. By using three-phase double emulsions (FC-40™, continuous phase; methyl acrylate and cyclopentadiene, shell segment; water, core droplet) both effects were determined. The PhD was successful finished with “magna cum laude”. Dominik is an active boulder and therefore he climbed up the Gutenberg statue to express his thanks for the successful PhD defense.


19.05.2016     Graduation celebration for Dr. Diana Habermann

Diana HabermannSuzuki-coupling, ionic liquids and cellulose – a successful combination of three diverse topics for a PhD work. Diana Habermann defended her PhD thesis “Suzuki coupling in microstructured equipment with ionic liquids…” (Suzuki-Kupplungen in microstrukturierten Systemen mit ionischen Flüssigkeiten und deren kontinuierliche Synthese) in May. Especially chlorine substituted aromatic compounds could be coupled with the help of N-methyl-N’-octadecylimidazolium bromide in high yields. Diana the “princess" was steering the knights, squires and court ladies of the group.


17.06.2015      Microreacter Workshop, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brasilia

Im Rahmen eines Workshops über den Einsatz von Mikroreaktoren in der chemischen Entwicklung und Produktion, der Ende Mai in João Pessoa, Brasilien stattgefunden hat, vereinbarten der IVAM Fachverband für Mikrotechnik und die Universität Mainz je ein "General Academic, Cultural and Scientific Cooperation Agreement" mit der brasilianischen Federal University of Paraíba (in João Pessoa). Dieses soll die Grundlage für gemeinsame Projekte zwischen Forschungseinrichtungen und Unternehmen in Brasilien und Deutschland schaffen...
Während des Workshops stellte Prof. Löwe von der Universität Mainz neue wissenschaftliche Möglichkeiten beim Einsatz von Mikroreaktoren in der chemischen Entwicklung und Produktion vor. Dr. Thomas R. Dietrich, Geschäftsführer von IVAM, berichtete über die Aktivitäten deutscher Verbände und verschiedener europäischer Mitgliedsfirmen des Verbandes, wie z.B. HNP Mikrosysteme, Invenios oder Little Things Factory, die bereits notwendige Komponenten und Anlagen für den Einsatz dieser Technologie im Bereich Biotechnologie und Chemie herstellen. Dr. Sebastian Härtner von Merck konnte abschließend die Vorteile der neuen Technologie bei der Produktion von Pharmazeutika und Feinchemikalien aufzeigen. Ergänzt wurden die deutschen Vorträge durch brasilianische Beiträge, die sich zum Beispiel mit Simulation der Reaktoreigenschaften (Universität Paraíba) oder dem Einsatz in biotechnologischen Anwendungen (Universität Rio de Janeiro) beschäftigten...
Am letzten Tag des Workshops fand ein Besuch des Forschungsinstituts CTGAS-ER in Natal statt, welches u.a. Forschungsarbeiten für PETROBRAS, einem der größten Erdölkonzerne weltweit durchführt...


25.05.2015      Graduation celebration for Dr. Annette Buba

Annette BubaAs shown clearly in the image, the PhD work was connected to carbohydrate chemistry. New processing routes, especially continuous flow applications, were developed to synthesize C-glycosidic and N-methylated glycosamino acids as mimetic blocks for tumor associated MUC1-glycopeptide antigens. The PhD was successful finished with “magna cum laude”


14.04.2015       Graduation celebration for Dr. Viktor Misuk

Viktor MisukAfter a hard working period in different fields Viktor Misuk defended his PhD thesis “Droplet-based multi-phase micro reactor technology (Tropfenbasierte Multiphasen – Mikroreaktionstechnologie). Besides his daily and nightly work, Viktor focused on feeding rabbits and hedgehogs at the campus ground. Nevertheless, he found enough time to prepare a "summa cum laude" defense.


15.09.2014     Lecture at ECUST

Publish-2Lecture at East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in Shanghai. Students of Prof. Weiling Luan's (Vice Dean of Graduate School) group attending the Micro Processing lectures. The main topic of this lecture period was set to micro-fabrication techniques and microfluidic applications of droplet based flow in micro channels.


21.08.2014     Bierbike Tour in Mainz

Bierbike-2014-14The annually workgroup excursion with the adjacent workgroup of Prof. Dr. H. Detert took place at the end of august. Taking advantage of the last good days in Germany, a "Bierbike" tour was planned visiting most of the touristic attractions in Mainz while working out. The evening was ended by a small barbecue near the chemistry building.

Bierbike-2014-18Fortunately, no muscle ache could be detected the next day.



23. - 25.06.2014    IMRET 2014, Budapest

IMRET 2014 06 22_2-2   The bi-annual international conference on microreaction technology (IMRET) was organized in Budapest. Since the Löwe group has it's research focus in micro-reaction technology, the conference has been an obligatory event for all PhD students. During the conference lots of internationals contact were made and Annette Buba was awarded with the best poster award for her on the synthesis of N-methyl amino acids in a flow tube-in-tube reactor with a gas-liquid/liquid-liquid semi-permeable membrane. Julian IMRET 2014 06 22_3-2Schülein was awarded with the best contributor young scientist co-author to the Flow Chemistry graduate textbook prize for his very good work on the “Electrochemistry in flow”-Chapter in Darvas, F., Dorman, G., Hessel, V. (Eds.) Flow Chemistry, Vol. II,pp. 99-129, De Gruyter, (2014).


16.05.2014     Graduation celebration for Dr. Nadin Ehm

Promotion Nadin 2014 05 16_2-2Promotion Nadin 2014 05 16_3-2

Three years with countless hours of work finally came to an end and Ms. Nadin Ehm graduated in chemistry. Her passion to Llamas was eternalized with her "PhD car", a tradition probably only known to Chemistry students from Mainz. After the exam the candidate has to take place on a specially build car which is then pulled over the whole campus. The car usually resembels a big hobby or peculiarity and has a "special function". This function of the llama was, how could it be otherwise, a spit-ability. Afterwards the celebration was slowly ended by an BBQ and lots and lots of beverages.

 28.02.2014  Carnival in Mainz

Fastnacht 2014 02 28-2As of every year, the carinval in Mainz is one of the most famous events around the city, also called the fifth season and ranging from 11. November until 28. February where the big eclebration is held.

The theme of the workgroup carnival celebration was the smurfs.



12.12.2013   Seasons party at the Kupferberg Terraces

Weihnachtsfeier 2013 12 12_3-2 Before theWeihnachtsfeier 2013 12 12_4-2 big christmas vacation is coming up, it was time for the annually workgroup christmas meeting. Once every year the workgroup organizes a culturally enriching event in or around mainz. This years visit lead us to the sparkling wine cellar in the middle of Mainz with a guided tour through the wide catacombs, where sparkling wine is stored for years. The tour ended in a wine tasting with special varieties only directly available at the Kupferberg Terraces itself. After the wine tasting the evening rounded off at the Proviant Magazin with a buffet.


13.08.2013 Tour to the Frankfurter Zoo

Ffm Zoo 2013 08 13_2-3The present to the sixtieth birthday of Prof. Dr. H. Löwe was a sponsorship for a small golden lion tamarin in the Frankfurter Zoo. Included in this sponsorship was a free visit to the zoo to have a look after the small lion tamarin, which was done by the whole group including the adjacent group of Prof. Dr. Detert.


08.05.2013 Graduation celebration for Dr. Denis Breuch

denis1 denis2




The 1st finished PhD thesis from Denis contain “Investigations of cross-coupling reactions in continuous flow in micro structured systems”. This PhD work introduced micro reactors and microfluidics to perform organic syntheses at the Gutenberg University. The PhD was successful finished with “magna cum laude”. Besides his scientific work Denis helped to establishing the new workgroup named “Chemical micro process technology” (CMPT) from the early beginning. Many thanks!


08.03.2013 60th birthday celebration of Prof. Dr. Löwe

Geb Löwe 2013 03 08-2Happy 60th Birthday to Prof. Dr. H. Löwe!




12.02.2013 Carnival celebration in Mainz

Fastnacht_20130212Every year the 5th season ends with the ash wednesday. The day before ash wednesday we usually celebrate carnival the last time for this year with a motto party.

This years motto was bees. However, bees need a bee guardian, who takes care and collects the output (honey or publications). Who could be more qualified for this job besides our boss Prof. Dr. Holger Löwe?


05.12.2012 Seasons celebration at the Oppenheim catacombs

Weihnachtsfeier 2012 12 05-2The 2012 christmas party was startet in Oppenheim near Mainz by a tour through the Catacombs. The catacombs pervade nearly the full underground of Oppenheim and were built in the 14th century, which was very easy through the loess, which is a very loose kind of sand. After the war of the grand alliance in 1697 the city was fully rebuild and most of the catacombs were forgotten. After world war II the rest of the basements were forgotten and the restoration started in the mid 1990ies. Until today about 80% of the catacombs are discovered and about 40 km are open to public. Beeing very exhausted at the end of the guided tour the rest of the evening was spend at a local restaurant.


25.07.2012 "Funzelfahrt"


Funzelfahrt 2012 07 25_2-2 Funzelfahrt 2012 07 25-2



The surroundings around Mainz are famous for the wine and the vineyards. Both were "visited" in accompaniment with the workgroup of Prof. Dr. Detert and himself in a so called "Funzelfahrt". This is a tour on a slow tractor with trailer through the said vineyards. While testing the local wine the tour leader told us informing and mostly funny stories of the local characteristics in viniculture. Unfortunately, nobody remembers which stories were told or how exactly the evening ended.... But the vine was very good.

20. - 22.03.2012     6th Chemical and Biological Micro Laboratory Technology Workshop in Ilmenau

CBM Workshop 2012 03-2Victor and Julian met the privy councillor Dr. Johann Wolfgan Goethe in Ilmenau. Goethe spend a lot of time in the hills of Thuringia. He wrote on a small shelter on top of the  mountain "Kickelhahn" is famous poem "Wanderers Nachtlied":

Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh, in allen Wipfeln spürest du kaum einen Hauch;
die Vögelein schweigen im Walde. Warte nur - balde ruhest du auch.

20.02.2012      IMRET 13 conference


During the IMRET 13 conference, the first synthesis of an immidazolium based ionic liquid with nitric acid was presented.

This synthesis is not possible in conventional batch reactions due to the oxidative nature of the nitrate ion, which usually destroys the immidazolium cation. However, using the carboxylate route this ionic liquid could be synthesized.


Web_03-2010-01IL News2


A continuos flow lab-scale equipment based an TULICON’s patent (DE102008032593.3) was installed for the synthesis of 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazoliumtriflate. The technology uses a self-sustaining procedure for released heat control. Flow rates of more than 5 mL per min product were achieved. The Ionic Liquid appears as a water-clear liquid turnig to pale yellow after postprocessing and purification.


10.01.2010    Synthesis of Ni nano particles

Web_03-2010-01A new project between two Chinese and three German partners for the preparation of nano-nickel powder is starts. The target is to develop a suitable process for the production of particles with a median diameter of about 80 nm. The partners decided to extend their cooperation after successful finishing the research on this topic and to establish a production scale plant with a production rate for more than 100 tons per year.

11.12.2009    Seasons celebrations party at the "Templer" restaurant, Mainz

Weihnachtsfeier 2009 12 11-2On of the first seasons celebration party in a famous restaurant in the city center of Mainz. Some of the students there could finish their studies with a PhD thesis after a hard work in different fields of organic chemistry.


02.04.2009    Agreement of Co-operation

Web_04-2009_DICP_logoAgreement of Co-operation between China Ionic Liquids Laboratory (Chill) of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences signed. The areas of cooperation will include:

exchange of faculty members, exchange of students, exchange of publications, joint research projects, joint conferences, joint teaching projects and joint cultural programs.

29.03.2009     Synthesis of alginate-based capsules

Web_03-2009-05As a new topic for an extended cooperation and development four partners of the CMPT-R&D Center, University of Mainz, Dalian University of Technology, Microchem Co. Ltd., Dalian, and Tulicon GmbH, Mainz, decided to use alginate-based capsules for further investigation in catalysis, waste treatment, biotechnology and "Green Chemistry". The image shows recently fabricated capsules which have different materials entrapped. For example, activated carbon powder was entrapped to simulate catalytic active substances. Furthermore, exemplarily bio materials were encapsulated, e.g., soya sauce, pepper powder, wasabi, and coffee powder to show the possibilities of the technology used.


24.03.2009     CMPT R&D Center activities

UWeb_03-2009-04nder the roof of the CMPT R&D Center activities, the Microchem Co,Ltd., established presently a new Thin-Layer Distillation equipment (KDL-5) from UIC GmbH, Germany, in the Labs of DICP, Dalian, which is also an associated partner of the R&D Center. The new equipment will be used for distillation of substances with high boiling points under vacuum conditions as well as to remove volatile impurities.




Web_03-2009-03Dr. Rainer Pommersheim, CEO of TULICON GmbH, Mainz, Germany, visited the State Key Lab of Fine Chemistry at Dalian University of Technology. In the frame of the CMPT-R&D Center a close co-operation in the field of sustainable chemical and biochemical processing was decided. (Prof. Angie Wang, DLUT, Mrs. Changhong Li, CEO MicroChem Co., Ltd.,Dr. Rainer Pommersheim, CEO TULICON GmbH, Mainz, Germany)


IL News1The synthesis of 1-methyl-3-(trimethoxy-propylsilane)-methylimidazolium chlorid was performed in a special designed microstructured reactor under unusual reaction conditions. The substance appears as a pale yellow viscous oil.



Web_03-2009-01Synthesis of 1-octadecyl-3-methylimidazolium-bromid. The substance is not soluble in water and is presently used as catalyst under phase-transfer conditions.





Synthesis of 1-(1-phenylpropyl)-3-methylimidazolium bromide used as non-volatile matrix for MALTI-TOF applications.


CMPT R&D CenterWeb_11-2008_Chill_Logo contributes to the China Ionic Liquid Laboratory (CHILL) with microreactor technology


Web_11-2008_RD_LogoSynthesis of 1-ethyl-3methylimidazolium-trifluoromethyl-sulfonate was investigated in a close cooperation of the CMPT-R&D center and its associated partners. The synthesis is based on the proprietary technology of TULICON company. The continuous production process avoids the drawbacks of a conventional synthesis and allows to produce in kilogram to tons scale.


Web_11-2008_RD_LogoSynthesis of 1-methyl-imidazolium-3-butyl- sulfonate (MIM] BS) successful accomplished. By using a continous flow technique, the synthesis of MIM] BS could be transfered into a suitable process for production scale. The substance is a white crystalline powder with a melting point of 329°C


Web_11-2008_RD_LogoBased on the proprietary technology of TULICON Company, the CMPT-R&D Center together with the DICP, Dalian, P.R. China, developed a process for continuous flow Ionic Liquid synthesis, for example EtMIM]SO4Et (from methylimidazole and diethysulfate), on kilogram scale .

03.09.2008     Shengyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry,  P.R. China.

Web_09-2008_02Dr. Thomas Dietrich, (mikroglas chemtech GmbH, Langen, Germany) and Prof. Holger Loewe gave an introduction of chemical micro processing to approx. 120 scientists and engineers of the Shengyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry, SYRICI,Shenyang, P.R. China. The seminar was organized by Mrs. Changhong Lee, CEO of MICROCHEM Co., Ltd. Dalian, China. This company is the official representative of Mikroglas chemtech GmbH in China, and distributor of their products.


02.09.2008     Continuous flow Ionic Liquid synthesis

Web_09-2008-01Based on the proprietary technology of Tulicon the CMPT-R&D Center together with the DICP, Dalian, P.R. China, developed a process for continuous flow Ionic Liquid synthesis, which has the potential to be transferred to an industrial-scale process.The production of some high valuable ionic liquids suffer from the extremely high heat release. Many efforts were done in the past to overcome this problem, e.g. using loop-reactors or microstructured reactors. By applying proprietary TULICON technology, an upscaling to a production volume up to kilogram-per-hour range can be easily done, even under laboratory conditions. The consortium is now discussing with different potential investors to establish a pilot-scale plant.

16.05.2008     1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide [BMIM]Br

Web_05-2008-01The CMPT-R&D Center and the company Microchem Co.; Ltd, (both Dalian, P. R. China) are developing new processes for ionic liquid (IL) syntheses. Recently, remarkable amounts of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide [BMIM]Br were produced by using a combination of IMMs OSBP plant and own developed components. A reactor temperature of 102°C and a residence time of approx. 56 min were applied. The [BMIM]Br becomes a white crystalline substance of high quality and contains only some traces of impurities which are remaining originally from the starting material. Larger quantities, also of other ionic liquids, can be produced now.


19.03.2008     DICP, and the CMPT R&D Center established cooperation

Web_03-2008-03China Ionic Liquid Laboratory, DICP, and the CMPT R&D Center established cooperation

Prof. Dr. Urs Welz-Biermann, Director of China Ionic Liquid Laboratory, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, and the representatives of the joint CMPT R&D Center decided to establish a cooperation in the field of Ionic Liquid synthesis and their possible industrial application. New types of ionic liquids will be synthesized in future not only under lab-scale conditions but also investigations for andustrial applications will be explored. In a first step, ionic liquids will be synthesized continuously in an new microstructured reactor set-up.

18.03.2008     Anionic polymerization of EO in substance

Web_03-2008-02Anionic polymerization of EO (ethylene oxide) in a continuous-flow microreactor set up- proof of priciple

The main drawbacks of EO polymerization is the extreme high heat release and the higly toxic substance EO itself. Nevertheless EO is widely in industrial applications, e.g. for the production of poly ethylene glycols. The control of this polymerization reaction is difficult and products with a wide molecular weight distribution are achieved. Also the hold-up of reactive chemicals within a conventional reactor can be risky. During a two days investigation with a microreactor provided by IMM, the EO polymerization reaction could be successful proofed. Comparably high flow rates of EO could be handled safely.


14.03.2008     Multi-step azo dye synthesis

REACTIVE BLACK 5, a bisazo dye was synthesized in a two-step synthesis. One mol “Parabaseester” ([2-(4-aminobenzenesulfonyl)-ethyl] sulfuric acid ester) was coupled to “H-acid” (8-hydroxy-naphthylamino-2,6-disulfonic acid) under acidic conditions followed by a subsequent coupling of the second mole of “Parabaseester” under alkaline conditions. As microreactor set-up a special mixer from IMM was used to perform the first reaction step. A sticky paste of a red azo pigment was formed. The second step was performed by mixing the sticky paste with an alkaline solution in a suitable T-piece. PTFE-tubes were used to adjust residence time. The overall flow rate was set to roughly ten milliliter per minute


12.03.2008     Azo pigment synthesis

An azo pigment was synthesized from a solution of 2,5-dichlorophenyldiazonium chloride and a solution of a b-naphtol compound by a continuous flow microstructured reactor set-up provided by IMM. The product formed is named BROWN 25 a widely used azo pigment. The reaction was investigated with different overall flow rates (up to 20 milliliters per minute) and also with higher concentrations as commonly used.


08.03.2008     New microstructured reactor concept under development (CMPR)

To fit the demands of a “Novel Chemistry” processing, a new and flexible microstructured reactor set-up, named CMPR (Chemical Micro Processing Reactor) is designed together with the Dalian North Analytical Instrument Co., Ltd. The CMPR-plant follows a modular concept to enable a fast and simple exchange of reactor components. To ensure safety regulations the CMPR-plant can be completely mounted under a fume hood while the plant is contolled from outside via a touch-screen panel. Optional WLAN can be provided to work with the CMPR-plant from outside of a secured laboratory or bunker.


05.03.2008     Students experiments on micro mixing




How to mix liquids efficiently? How to perform a chemical reaction? Stirring the liquids in a flask, or let them flow together through a T-piece, or using a high-efficient microstructured mixer?

These questions are always asked. To avoid undefined residence time and backmixing a flow-through system can be a good option in general. To check this, a T- or Y-piece as mixer is often used. Two substances (one is an acidic solution, the other one is an alkaline solution of methyl orange indicator) are fed into the T-piece. The mixing performance takes place in the outlet tube by diffusion, eddi-formation and turbulence, depending on the flow rate (Reynolds number). The pH change cause by proper mixing is indicated by the colour change from yellow to red. It can be derived from the image that the mixing takes time and also in a T-piece undefined concentration gradients will be existent.

In a second experiment a glass microstructured mixer from mikroglas GmbH, Mainz, Germany, is used to demonstrate the micro mixing process. The fluidstreams of the reactants a pre-structurized by flowing through the internals of the microstructured mixer and they are subsequently mixed in a mixing channel. A closer look to the image shows that the mixing takes place simultaneously indicated by a consistently colour change.

To overcome mass transfer restrictions is one of the major advantages of microstructured devices used for chemical processing.


30.09.2007     First experiment (Ionic Liquid [C4MIM]Br) successful accomplished

Web_09-2007-02An experimental setup including the necessary experimental equipment, sponsored by MicroChem Co. Ltd, was established at DUT lab for Chemical Engineering and first preliminary tests and experiments were done. Under supervision of Prof. Loewe from Mainz university Mr. Hu, a PhD student of Prof. Wang’s group could produce a so-called ionic liquid, a special fine chemical, in a continuous micro-flow system successfully. Such kind of chemicals are said to be “Green Solvents” due to their environmental-friendly properties such as non-volatile and extremely high thermal stability. Often also called as designer solvents, ionic liquids will gain more importance in future because they can be used to replace toxic or otherwise dangerous chemicals not only in the scientists lab but also for industrial scale applications.


28.09.2007     Opening of the Joint Lab CMPT - R&D Center


On September 28th the new R&D Center for Chemical Micro Process Technology was opened by the representatives of the partners from China and Germany:

  • Mrs. Guiling Ning (Vice President of the Dalian University of Technology, China),
  • Mr. Holger Loewe (Professor for Chemical Micro Process Technology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and Scientific Director of the Institut fuer Mikrotechnik, Mainz, Germany,
  • Mr. Dong Yang (General Manager of MicroChem Co. Ltd. Dalian, China),
  • and supported by Mr. Naiming Luo (Vice Director of International Communication Center of Liaoning Science and Technology Department).

From the opening speech (Mr. Holger Loewe):
‘…we have now the situation of a worldwide decrease in natural resources and at the same time an increase of raw material and energy consumption along with a “Global warming” of the planet. Therefore, we have to develop sustainable chemical processes which are more environmentally benign. We have to aware air pollution, wasting material and energy as well as we should keep our resources on drinking water clean. Chemistry, of course, determines our daily life and it is impossible to live without chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paints, fibers etc. We have to do research and development of new and efficient chemical processes which dos not waste any raw material or energy as well we have to think about re-usable materials – we have to establish a so-called “Green chemistry”…’
‘…to achieve this goal it is necessary to share research results and to bring new developed processes to industrial application. The cooperation should include projects of global interest which contribute to establish new and sustainable chemical processes. Also decisions were made for an exchange of students, graduated students, postdocs, and scientist between China and Germany in the future. We have also in mind to find international organisations, universities and also companies to join as associated partners to extend our work and to enhance the quality and output of the research results…’